To know Him and Make Him Know
Rev. Edward Musih Fedha, is the Founder and Director of The River of Life Missions Ministries, Kenya. Located in Bungoma, Western Kenya, Africa. A Spirit filled Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ with a Calling to reach out to the World with the preaching of the Gospel, teaching and instructing in the way of righteousness. Raised from a humble God fearing background, Reverend Fedha has proved to be a man beyond what you take him to be. He hails from the Western part of Kenya, Bungoma County.
To our dear Visitor on the Website
Friend, It’s nice to have you on the website of THE RIVER OF LIFE MISSIONS MINISTRIES. We do believe that your visit to our website is as important as God has put on your Heart to think about us. We do thank God for what He is doing in your Life. It is our prayer that the Lord bestows upon you his abundant “END TIME” Resource which is His Life Giving Spirit. Joel 2:28. If you are visiting this website for the first time, we do implore you to visit more and more as you get to learn about what God is using in our midst.
The purpose(s) for our existence among others is to raise a people for Jesus Christ, who is the true River of life flowing into all the Nations by;
Reaching out to Lost through Salvation
Equipping the saints with the message of the Cross.
Establishing the End time Church
Discipling the nations of the World
Ministering to the needs of People spiritually and where possible Material needs in the eareas of; Food, Health & Sanitation, Education through training opportunities of all sorts and general welfare.
Since 2003, River of Life Missions Ministries Out reach Teams have been sharing the risen Christ with many across villages, towns and cities and many people have accepted Christ through our God given evangelistic efforts.
Families that were once torn apart have been restored and many other children have been delivered from the streets, several youths have forsaken drugs, sex and a rebellious living which has opened their lives to salvation through the Gospel. Our Care Teams have visited hospitals, prisons, schools, families to share with them the good news and it has always been our joy to see these people accepting Jesus Christ to the Glory of God.
(Our Mission) “To know Christ and make Him know”
Above: The building were The River of Life Church begun from, and rented one of the halls there for for their services (top floor)

Above is the current church structure we meet for services.
Church services

Serving under Rev. Edward M. Fedha, Pastor Eric is behind the smooth running of the Administrative needs of the Ministry. He is an Elisha in the servantship of Elijah.
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