The River of Life Missions Ministries - Kenya

Christ in us flowing into the Nations (Psalms 5:46)  


About the Ministry


This Ministry was born as a church of five people, in Feb 2003. To day the Church has grown steadly with other several branches around Bungoma town and it's out skirts.

 “Our first service was in a small room which we were renting, things were not easy as there were so many needs. As the numbers grew, there was a pressure to get a larger place as soon as we could and through prayers and support from our members we were able to rent a hall (a 120 seater) on a Building known as Blue Waves Hotel along Kanduyi Road (picture on the Home page).

We believe God for more Land to set up church premises to carter for the growing number of people, a Health Unit, a Library and a Training Centre (school). We are believing God for this provision”. Rev. Fedha


We are able to effectively reach different categories of people through the following ministries and inside the brackets (below) are some of the key issues that we are addressing.

·   YOUTH MINISTRY(Youth Camps, Counseling, Music, Dance and Drama, Career Guidance, Guided Tours, HIV/AIDS sensitization, Singles Programmes)

·        WOMEN MINISTRY (Self help issues, Seminars, Home Management)

·        WORSHIP TEAM MINISTRY (Praise & Worship Experience)

·        CHOIR

·        EVANGELISM AND OUTREACH (Conferences, Door to Door, Home cell, Crusades, Seminars, Care groups, Prisons, Hospitals)

·        MEN’S FELLOWSHIP (Mens’ involvement in the Church, Financial Issues, Family Life)

·        CHILDREN MINISTRY (Sunday School, Bible Classes, Children Clubs, Games)

Articles of Faith:

-God in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

-The verbal inspiration of the whole Bible as God's infallible revelation to man.

 -Jesus Christ's deity, virgin birth, sinless humanity, substitutionary death, atoning blood, bodily resurrection, and ascension to heaven.

- Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone, which is not attained by good works but solely by grace.

 -The need of works to express one’s gratitude, faith, and give a living demonstration of God's transforming power.

 -The resurrection of the body at the second coming of Jesus Christ; eternal glory for believers in heaven and everlasting punishment for unbelievers in hell.

 -The one true church, the body of Christ, consisting of all believers, regardless of race or social standing.

 -Obedience to our Lord's command to lead people of all nations to faith in Jesus Christ and to grow in Christ likeness.

Living a holy life and serving God with all our hearts, mind and soul, Mathew 22:37. This includes obeying to serve Him with our wealth and giving as commanded in His word Malachi 3:8-12

-To give God a fervent offering of worship in truth and spirit that the father desires from us. Hebrews 13:5. , Romans 12:1-2.

-The need for spiritual growth through Bible study, Effective fervent prayer, witnessing, gathering together as saints and involvement with other committed believers.

-The imminent rapture of the Church, and Christ's personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ and the sinners Judgment.

-We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was extended on the Day of Pentecost for the duration of the Church Age, and that the power of this experience remains God’s desire. We believe in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit as evidenced in the glorification of Jesus, in speaking in tongues, charismatic gifts, miracles, divine healings, in the ministry gifts of Eph 4, and in His fruit produced in the lives of believers.

-We believe in water baptism by complete immersion as an example set to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

-We believe in the five fold ministry of the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists and Pastors operating presently in the Church.

-We believe that every government and authorities is instituted by God and we have respect for them offering our prayers to them.

Purpose in fulfilling the Great Commission:

 We desire to raise up -

  1. A God Centered, Purpose driven and People empowering church, full of life, a church that is spiritually deepened.
  2. A people that are committed to seeking the mind and purpose of God for their season unto which they are living in and their Generation.
  3. A deeply committed, loving, caring family amongst whom the lonely and the broken find refuge, new hope and belonging
  4. A church that does not know denominational walls, God himself is  our wall.  
  5. A church of renowned character and integrity as it was to our Lord Jesus here on earth.
  6. A church whose number one priority is to glorify God in true worship, praise in truth and spirit, the ministry of the word and bring His wonderful life to a lost world.
  7. A community that is attractive, confident, victorious and overcoming.
  8. A church whose powerful proclamation and awesome worship ascends to touch our God in Heaven to the best way possible.

We believe this is our season with God and at the end of every season there is an end result expected to mark the end of that given season by equipping, enabling and releases ordinary people to live extraordinary lives to the glory of God the Father.

Achievements so far:

Over the years, we have been able to achieve the following by God’s grace:

  • Church planting: We have panted several churches in Kenya and Uganda.
  • Hosted different guests in our meetings
  • Annual meetings: Youth Camps, Ladies and Mens’ Summits every year  

Our Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that many souls will come to know Jesus and that we shall impact our community with the gospel, both in the spiritual and physical dimentions. We deeply appreciate and welcome your support.